Chart Pane Options Menu

The Chart pane includes an options menu with the following options:

  • View at 1000' — zooms the chart to 1,000 feet.

  • Add Comment — add a comment to a point on the survey. Refer to Add a Comment to Chart for more information.

  • Add Station — add an engineering station value to a point on the survey. Refer to Add or Remove Station Value for more information.

  • Interpolate GPS — interpolate GPS between two points in the survey. Refer to Interpolate GPS for more information.

  • Replace GPS — replace the latitude and longitude coordinates for a point. Refer to Replace GPS for more information.

  • Waveprint — connects a waveprint to a specific data point. Refer to Waveprintfor more information.

To access the options menu, right-click on the Chart pane.

Chart Options Menu