Unit Setup Page
The Unit Setup page is the central location for configuring your units' information.
Only users that have been assigned a Client Admin security role will be able to edit unit settings. If you do not have the Unit Admin link under the Units menu, you do not have permissions to edit unit settings.
Complete the following steps to access the settings for a unit from the All Units page or the Quick Unit Search text box:
From the Units menu, select All Units (or one of the other Units sub-menus that list units).
Click next to the unit name.
Click Settings.
- OR -
Search for a unit in the Quick Unit Search text box on any page.
Click next to the unit name in the pop-up window.
You can also access the Unit Setup page by clicking or tapping the Settings link from Unit Detail.
Unit Setup pane (depending on unit type) includes the following setting groups:
Unit Info — ID, name, facility ID, system serial (non-editable), time zone, service status, cost center, notes, use of Daylight Saving time, current status (refer to Unit Status Category Icons), and user notes.
Groups — Displays which unit groups the unit belongs to. The unit can be added to another group or removed from a group. Refer to Add or Remove Units from Unit Groups.
Location — Displays the location of the unit on a map. The unit's latitude and longitude can be entered if known, or click the Search button to find the unit by address.
Template — Unit settings can be saved in a template or a saved template can be applied to the unit. Refer to Working with Templates for more information.
Journal — Notes and other user information for the unit.
Reporting & Power or Power — Transmission settings for reporting and the installation date and type of the unit's battery.
For RM5 Series units, this is labeled Reporting.
Settings — Depending on the unit type, includes settings for the unit, such as measurements or interruption.
Readings or Analog Inputs or Digital Inputs — Unit channel configuration.
Data Points or AUX Data — Unit data point/AUX data information and/or settings.
Alerts — Alerts for different conditions can be created, edited, enabled to notify selected users that some condition has been met on the unit. Refer to Alerts for more information.
I/O — RM5 Seriesunits include a setup menu for the associated RM5 I/O4 module. This menu includes configuration settings for the RM5 I/O4 module itself, as well as Interruption and Channel settings.
Send Settings — For units that are capable of receiving packets from Bullhorn Web, sync unit settings and send to the unit in the field. Refer to Send Settings for more information.
The unit information pane next to the Unit Setup pane includes the following tabs:
Data Points or AUX Data — A list of data points for the unit. Click a data point name to open the settings pane for that data point.
Alerts — A list of the created alerts. Click an alert name to open the Alerts pane. Refer to Alerts for more information.
Details — A link to the Unit Detail Page.
Replace — A link to the Replace a Unit page.