Telluric Compensation in ISM

When working with inspections in a close interval (CI) continuous survey that require telluric compensation, use the Telluric workspace in Edit ISM Data window to perform compensation and other related functions.

After selecting a CI continuous survey to work with, inspection records associated with the selected CI survey and pipeline segment display in the data grid of Edit ISM Data. Inspection records eligible for telluric compensation display in the Telluric workspace based on your selection of SDL survey files (upstream/downstream data set) associated with the selected CI survey.

Refer to the following topics for more information on using Telluric Compensation in the ISM module:

Several options are available for customizing a grid layout and sorting order, as well as applying data filters that allow you to work with a subset of CI inspection records. For information about how to apply data filters, refer to Viewing Records in a Grid. Refer to Themes and Filter Groups for information about customizing the grid layout and sorting order.