All Units Page

The All Units page is an visual overview of your units. The page contains information about units and unit groups, export unit information, apply a template to units, and view a map with unit locations.

This landing page is compatible with current versions of Microsoft Edge.

To access the All Units page, hover your mouse over Units on the main menu and then select All Units. The All Units page can be set as your default landing page (refer to My Profile Page for instructions).

(missing or bad snippet) units will show any associated I/O modules. For (missing or bad snippet) units, analog measurements and interruption status are shown on the IO module row only. The unit detail page for an (missing or bad snippet) unit can be accessed by clicking on either the (missing or bad snippet) or the associated (missing or bad snippet) line.

The following topics include more information about the All Units page, as well as functions that can be performed from it: