All Units Page Navigation

The All Units page includes the following panes:

  • Ribbon — includes the Units tab and Map tab.

  • Status Filter — includes a listing of units in each of the status filters that are selected on the Website Preferences tab on the My Profile page.

  • Group Filter — includes all unit groups within a client that you have permission to view.

    Status Filter and Group Filter panes - and all functionality for them - are available on both the Units and Map tabs.

  • Units — includes unit information for selected units; columns are based on the current view (refer to Customization).

  • Map — a satellite view of the units listed in the Units pane. The units are identified by their status icon (for example, Normal). The map can be zoomed in or out for precise location of a unit.

  • Commands — Includes Read on Demand and Stop Interruption commands for (missing or bad snippet) units.

Use the following information when navigating through the panes:

  • The panes can be hidden or shown by clicking the hide and show icons - and (below Ribbon) or and (next to Status Filter and Group Filter).

  • Both the Status Filter and Group Filter panes display the total number of units (in the sub-header bar), as well as the number of units in each of the respective categories shown in the two panes.

  • The Status Filter and Group Filter panes can be re-sized by clicking the separator bar between these two panes and the Unit pane. Hover your mouse over the bar to activate the slider (it will highlight in blue); then click and hold the bar to move it left or right.

  • The Status Filter pane can be "rolled up" by clicking the in the pane's header bar. Click to "roll down" the pane.

  • The Commands pane issues Read on Demand and Stop Interruption commands to RM5 series units. The Read on Demand command generates a reading including analog readings and a health check packet. Stop Interruption stops any interruption program that may be running.

  • On the Units pane, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the pane to move through pages of units or to move to a certain page. You can also view a certain number of units per page.

  • The Quick Unit Search box at the bottom of the page can be used to search for units by unit type, unit ID, Facility ID, or System Serial number.

  • Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the Units pane to move from page to page or to a particular page number.

  • To change the number of units that are shown per page, select a value in the Items per page drop-down menu.

  • If you jump to another page on the website (for example, the Unit Admin page to change settings), use the browser's back button to return to the All Units page.