View or Edit Unit Information

You can view or edit unit information from either the Units pane (on the Units tab) or the Map (on the Map tab).

On the Units pane:

The Units pane is only visible from the Units tab (on the Ribbon). The Status Filter and Group Filter panes - and all functionality for them - are available on both the Units and Map tabs.

  1. To view unit information from the Units table, click the expand icon next to the unit name to open a unit information panel. Click the to collapse the unit information panel.

  2. To open the Unit Admin page to edit unit information, click edit.

  3. You can click the back button on your browser header bar to return to the All Units page.

On the Map view:

The Map view is only visible from the Map tab (on the Ribbon). The Status Filter and Group Filter panes - and all functionality for them - are available on both the Units and Map tabs.

  1. To open to the map view, click the Map tab in the Ribbon.

    The units that are selected in the Units view will be shown in the Map view.

  2. Click on the status icon for a unit, such as normal. An information balloon displays with the data shown from the Units pane.

  3. Click normal Settings to go the Unit Admin page.