Work with Survey Records

While working in the CI Survey module, you can move to a certain record, insert a record, move to the first or last record, skip a record or records, add a gap record, or delete a record.

The options to work with records are available by tapping the icon at the bottom of the CI Survey window.

Complete the following steps to go to or insert a record, go to the first or last record, skip a record or records, or delete a record.

Refer to CI Survey Keyboard Shortcuts for available shortcuts to complete these actions.

  1. Tap (or Alt-M) at the bottom of the CI Survey window.

    CI Survey Window

    A record options window opens.

    Records Options

    Records Options

  2. To either go to a record or insert a new record with that reference number, enter a record number in the Go To Or Insert text field.

  3. To go to the first record of the survey, tap First Record.

  4. To go to the last record of the survey, tap Last Record.

  5. To skip a record or records, enter a value in the Skip text box. For example, to skip 3 records, enter 3.

  6. If the survey is in Flagged mode and you want to mark the record as a gap, tap Gap. Refer to Set Survey Properties for information on how to set the survey as Flagged.

  7. To delete a record, enter the record number in the Delete text box and tap Delete.

  8. To close the options window without making any changes, tap outside the window.