Configure Bullhorn Web Integration Settings
Admin users must follow these steps to configure Bullhorn Web Integration settings in PCS.
Launch and log into PCS.
Click Tools in the menu bar and select Bullhorn Integration from the drop down list.
Tools Menu
Select the Integration Configuration tab on the left hand side of the window. PCS Client Status and Status Time are indicated at the top of the Integration Configuration window.
Integration Configuration Settings
Input the appropriate information into the API Client ID and API Client Secret fields and click the
icon in the blue Integration Configuration menu bar.
Refer to Bullhorn Web API Overview and the Bullhorn Web User Guide for details on creating or obtaining API Client ID and API Client Secret credentials via Bullhorn Web API.
Once credentials are input into the fields, associated Bullhorn Web Customer Name and Customer ID info will be displayed in the window.
Set up the following in Inspection Frequency Settings:
Start Date - The earliest date from which inspections are imported into PCS. Determines the date subsequent inspections will be imported based on the frequency selected.
Enable Bullhorn Inspection Import - Enables all PCS Bullhorn Web Integration functions. Deselecting this option suspends inspection imports, email and other notifications, and automated issue detection via the Dashboard.
Daily/Weekly/Monthly - Determines the frequency of inspection imports based on the Start Date setting. For the purpose of maintaining compliance, American Innovations recommends no fewer than 1 inspection import per month.
Recurs Every - Determines the cadence and time of inspection imports in relation to the selected frequency and start date.
Recurrence cannot be set beyond 60 days/8 weeks/2 months.
Inspection Frequency Settings
Click the
icon in the blue Inspection Frequency Settings menu bar to save the settings.
If you use the Bullhorn Bridge configured with existing mappings, refer to Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import for the next steps.