Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import

Designed for customers that use the Bullhorn Bridge configured with existing mappings to import Bullhorn RMU data, PCS version 2.5 and later includes an integrated Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import feature. After existing Bullhorn Bridge mappings are imported, users can take full advantage of PCS Bullhorn Web Integration features and utilities.

Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import runs once when PCSBullhorn Web Integration is enabled. Subsequent mapping imports and adjustments are subject to manual mapping procedures, depending on settings and configuration in both PCS and Bullhorn Web. American Innovations recommends reviewing Before Launching PCS Version 2.5 or Later before enabling PCS Bullhorn Web Integration features.

Follow the steps in the topics below to complete the Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import process.

Start Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import

Working with Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import Results