Start Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import

For customers using Bullhorn Bridge configured with existing mappings, Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import is triggered automatically when a SysAdmin completes the steps outlined in Configure Bullhorn Web Integration Settings.

An Import Bullhorn Bridge Mappings tab appears in the Bullhorn Integration menu with a prompt to begin the import process.

Import Bullhorn Bridge Mappings Prompt

  1. Click the Start Import option in the blue Import Bullhorn Bridge Mappings tool bar.

    Selecting Hide Tab closes the tab without importing existing Bullhorn Bridge mappings. Once Hide Tab is selected, Import Bullhorn Bridge Mappings is no longer available.

  2. Import progress is indicated in the Import Bullhorn Bridge Mappings window by a rotating activity icon, total record count, and percentage completed text.

    Import Bullhorn Bridge Mappings Progress

  3. A prompt indicates completion of the import process and gives record counts for successful and failed imports.

    Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import only supports installed facility types. Custom facility types will not be imported and should continue to be integrated using the Bullhorn Bridge. For more information, see Manage Custom Modules and Facilities

Proceed to the steps in Working with Bullhorn Bridge Mapping Import Results.