Test Satellite Reception
Before completing the final installation, you can ensure that the RM4210 or RM4211 have adequate satellite signal to communicate with the Bullhorn Web account using Bullhorn Tools (RM4210 only) or Bullhorn Tools Mobile (RM4211). If reception is minimal, the unit may not be able to send information to the website. The Radio SNR reading should be at least 40 dB for a stable communication link with the satellite. If this reading falls below 37 dB, contact AI Support for instructions.
You can also email AI Support by tapping in Bullhorn Tools Mobile, which will include unit information and a log file with your email.
Activate the unit by swiping a magnet across the access point on the unit (marked with an arrow on the enclosure). A red light flashes to indicate that the unit is waiting to pair with your device. Once the unit has paired with your device, the light will stop flashing and remain on.
RMU Access Point - Activated
Ensure that Bluetooth
is enabled on your computer or device.
Open Bullhorn Tools.
Click the unit name and then
Connect. The unit name includes the unit serial number (S/N), which can be found on the Bullhorn sticker on the dome. The RM4210 label is shown as an example.
RM4210 Unit Label
Click Refresh to get current unit settings, including the satellite signal strength (Radio SNR).
If using Bullhorn Tools Mobile, tap
to see Radio SNR.
Click Send Test Message to update the Radio SNR reading. To ensure proper communication with the satellite, the Radio SNR reading should be at least 40 dB. Also refer to Send a Test Message for more information.