Unit Admin Page

The Unit Admin page displays all unit groups, including the All Units group (the default group for all units), that have been created in your Client. You will only be able to see groups that you have access to by your Client Admin.

To access Unit Admin, hover your mouse over Units on the main menu and then select Unit Admin. The Unit Admin page displays a list of all groups belonging to the Client that is displayed in the Currently Viewing drop-down box.

The Unit Admin page includes Common Unit Information Links for adding unit information, adding or removing the unit from a unit group, adding or changing unit location, accessing template capabilities, and including Journal entries for the unit.

The Unit Admin page also links to these unit group related pages:

  • Unit Group Setup Page — view units within a group, add or remove units in a group, add or edit unit group information, and manage unit group user permissions.

  • Unit Setup Page — view and edit unit settings.