Apply Templates Page

The Apply Templates page can be used to apply a template to a unit or a group of units. This feature is available for units that can receive over-the-air commands. Currently, the following unit types can be sent a template:

  • RM1250

  • RM4010

  • RM4011

  • RM4012

  • RM4013

  • RM4014

  • RM4015

  • RM4016

  • RM4150

  • RM4151

  • RM4210

  • RM4211

When the template is applied to the unit or units, the configuration settings for the unit(s) are updated to the settings specified in the template, both in the field and on Bullhorn Web. You can view the status of the template update on the Schedule tab. Refer to for detail on how to use this feature from the All Units page, as well as more information on creating templates for the different unit types.

You can access the Apply Templates page from any of the following pages:

  • The Units menu — hover your mouse over the Units menu and then select Apply Templates.

  • The Send Commands page — hover your mouse over the Units menu and then select Send Commands; click the Apply Templates tab.

  • The Interruption page — hover your mouse over the Units menu and then select Interruption; click the Apply Templates tab.

The following task can be completed on the Apply Templates page: