Several types of reports can be generated with unit information, including unit data, AC monitoring, accumulator, billing, and alerts. The reports can be printed from your website account or exported to your computer. The reports set up page can be accessed from either the Reports or the Billing menu (select Unit Billing Data).
You must have Admin user permission to edit unit data. See your system administrator or refer to Unit Group Security for more information.
Data reports are available for (missing or bad snippet) units which will show all readings in a requested timeframe. The billing report has been updated to also include billing data associated with (missing or bad snippet) units.
The following types of reports can be generated on the Unit Billing Data page:
Unit Billing Data
Data —unit data for a specific type of unit or units in all groups or within a specific unit group. The data returned for this report includes relevant unit information.
Data Report for RM415/RM4151
AC Monitoring —includes five reports and graphs for RM4012 and RM4210 units. Refer for AC Monitoring Reports for more information.
Units — reports for data and alerts, including:
Outgoing Packets — shows all outgoing data points for a given date range. The report includes information such as transmission date and time; user name of person initiating the packet; and packet status such as processed or complete.
Units Outgoing Packet Detail Report
Alerts — shows alerts that were generated by Bullhorn Web and can be sorted by user-defined selections. This report can be used with the Alert Configuration report to find missing alert parameters. The report can include information such as a system generated alert ID number for each alert; date and time alert was created; alert name and type; and unit name, type, ID, and Facility ID.
Units Unit Alerts Report
Inventory — a list of all RMUs in an account, along with basic unit information. The report can be filtered by Unit Group and can include information such as Facility ID, MIN number, service status, latitude and longitude information, and information for units assigned to your user ID such as unit name, ID, type, and status.
Units Inventory Report
Alert Configuration — a review of all alerts, operators, triggers, alert conditions, and notification contacts for each unit. The report includes information such as customer information, unit information, and alert information.
Units Alert Configuration Report
Accumulator — shows accumulator counts for metering products. The report includes information such as current reading, year-to-date (YTD) total, increase amount, and increase rate.
Units Accumulator Report
System — includes Unit Billing Data (shown above) and Login History reports.
System Login History Report