Alert Message Template Tags

The Subject and Message Templates fields in Alert Info (Alert Setup) use tags as placeholders for data that is automatically entered by the system. The system replaces each tag with unit-specific information when sending an alert notification to a contact. This feature reduces the amount of data entry when setting up an alert. For example, if an alert is set up with the tags [NAME] and [ID], the tags are replaced with the unit name and unit ID in the alert notification sent to the contact. Tags also allow you to use an alert with more than one unit when settings are saved as a template. Refer to Working with Templates for information on creating and applying templates to one or more unit

The Message Templates fields have been set up to send standard unit information for each alert type. These fields usually do not need to be modified.

Data, Activity, Status, or Packet alerts include the following tags that you can use when setting up each of these alerts. Enter each tag exactly as shown.

  • Subject Field Tags for All Alert Types:

    • [NAME] - refers to unit name.

    • [ID]- refers to unit ID.

    • [SERIAL] - refers to serial (client unit serial).

    • [SYSSERIAL] - refers to system serial (system serial number).

    • [TYPE] - refers to unit type (product name).

  • Data Alert Tags for Message Template Fields:

    • [NAME] - refers to data point name.

    • [VALUE] - refers to data point value.

    • [DETAIL] - refers to user data as entered in the alert condition.

    • [FTP] - refers to a special FTP format of the value (FTP option requires prior setup by Technical Support).

  • Activity Alert Tags for Message Template Fields:

    • [NAME] - refers to unit name.

    • [VALUE] - refers to packet count.

    • [DETAIL] - refers to number of days as set up in the alert condition.

  • Activity alert types do not include tags for data point names or values.

  • Status Alert Tags for Message Template Fields:

    • [NAME] - refers to unit name.

    • [VALUE] - refers to status.

  • Status alert types do not include tags for data point names or values.

  • Packet Alert Tags for Message Template Fields:

    • [NAME] - refers to unit name.

    • [VALUE] - refers to packet type.

  • Packet alert types do not include tags for data point names or values.