Understanding Default Location Formats

The following table identifies milepost formats available for selection when setting the Default Location Format for a pipeline in the Edit ROW Detail window (Data Entry > Edit ROW Detail).

Selecting a Default Location Format allows PCS to automatically apply the correct formatting to milepost values you enter for a facility location on a pipeline.

Description of Default Location Formats

Location Format

Format Example


Metric Milepost

1.234AB, 1,234AB, or 1+234AB

Measurements are in metrics. This format can include two alpha characters at the end of the milepost and can also be graphed. Measurements are in kilometers and meters. Based on the metric delimiter set in system Options, this format supports a Period, Comma, or Plus sign. For example, 1.234AB is 1 kilometer (km) and 234 meters (m).

Milepost (3 Decimals)




Format supports two alpha characters at the end of the milepost and can also be graphed. This format uses the U.S. Standard measurement system.

Milepost (4 Decimals)




Format supports one alpha character at the end of the milepost and can also be graphed. This format uses the U.S. Standard measurement system.

Reading Number


This is an alphanumeric format with support for two alpha characters at the end. It is typically used for stations. The format also uses the U.S. Standard measurement system.

This format cannot be graphed and the CP Compliance Report does not calculate total feet, total miles, or miles below criteria.

Location ID




Use Location ID when footages are not applicable. This format is typically used in distribution systems. Other features include those in the following list:

  • Uses the U.S. Standard measurement system, accepts alphanumeric characters, and cannot be graphed.

  • CP Compliance Report does not calculate total feet, total miles, or miles below criteria when using this format.

Location ID cannot be changed once it is set up.

Station Number


Measurements are in feet. This format can be graphed, supports two alpha characters at the end of the milepost, and uses the U.S. Standard measurement system.

Miles+100 Feet




Format uses miles plus two digits to the right to indicate hundreds of feet. For example, 110+12 indicates 110 miles and 1,200 feet. Do not enter values greater than 53 feet; doing so indicates another mile.

Other characteristics include:

  • Format can be graphed.

  • Two alpha characters can be used after the first three numbers.

  • CP Compliance Report does not calculate total feet, total miles, or miles below criteria.

  • Uses the U.S. Standard measurement system.

Miles/Station Number

123A 45+67


123A 12+34

Format uses Miles<space>Station Number with Milepost (three decimals) in graphs. This format uses the U.S. Standard measurement system.