Reverse a Compensation Run for a Selected Survey Date

If you need to reverse (undo) one or more compensation runs for a selected survey date, use the Maintenance window available in the Telluric workspace to view a list of completed compensation runs available for uncompensation. After reversing a compensation run, the Test Point Inspection grid and associated Detail mini-grid update with uncompensated test point inspection readings for the selected pipeline segment.

Complete the following steps to reverse a compensation run for a selected survey date:

  1. Select the pipeline segment you want to work with in the Select ROWs window. Then click save icon Save to close the window.

  2. Open the Telluric workspace in CPDM. Click Data Entry > Edit CPDM Data > Inspection > Test Point> Telluric tab.

    Telluric Workspace

    Telluric Workspace

  3. Locate the upstream and downstream SDL survey files associated with the selected pipeline segment by selecting a survey date from the Survey Date calendar. You can also type a survey date in the field using the format MM/DD/YYYY to indicate the month, day, and year.

  4. Then click Find. A list of SDL survey files related to the entered survey date display in the Stationary Surveys group box of the Telluric workspace.

  5. Click Maintenance to open the Maintenance window.



  6. If the Compensation Run(s) grid is not visible, click the Compensation Run(s) tab to view a list of compensation runs.

  7. Click the check box associated with the compensation run you want to reverse. Then click save icon Save to reverse (undo) the selected compensation run. Or click Cancel to close the window without completing the action.