Manage the Form Report Theme

Complete the following actions when working with or finishing creating a form report theme.

  • To undo all recent changes that have not yet been saved, click Cancel. All graph layout themes are reverted to their latest saved state.

  • To save the graph report layout theme, click Save. All changes made to the theme is saved.

  • To remove the currently selected theme, click Delete in the header row and then Yes in the Confirm Delete window. The currently selected theme is removed from PCS.

  • To save the theme and close the Graph Layouts editor, click Save and Close. All changes made to the theme is saved and the Graph Layouts editor is closed.

  • To close the Forms editor, click Close. If there are unsaved changes to a graph report layout theme in the Forms editor, a Save Changes? window displays. Click Yes to save all changes in the themes, No to close without saving changes, or Cancel to return to the Forms editor.