Edit a Form Report Theme

To modify a form report theme, you can add objects from the Field List or Control toolbar to the workspace area and modify the object's properties in the Properties pane or in the ribbon. When adding an object to the workspace area, you can add it to a margin or a detail section. TopMargin1 and BottomMargin1 represent the space at the top and bottom of every page of the report, similar to the header and footer of a Word document. Detail1 represents the space in a report reserved for a record's data. Changes to the Detail1 section of the workspace applies to every record's section of the report. Unless a page break is added to the workspace area or the properties of Detail1 include a page break after each record, the record sections are stacked vertically without adding space between the sections.

To edit a form report theme, click to select a theme from the Select Form Theme drop-down. The workspace area updates to show the selected theme. Refer to the following topics for more information about editing a form report theme: