Add an Email Recipient
To add an email recipient, access the Recipients tab of the Email Notification window and perform the following steps:
To add a recipient that exists in User Management, click
Add PCS User. The Recipients tab updates to show a list of PCS users add as recipients or show options to create a new external user as a recipient.
Add PCS User
Add External User to add a recipient that does not use PCS. The Recipients tab updates to show options to create a new external user as a recipient.
Add External User Email
Define the user by completing one of the following options:
PCS User — select a user from the list.
PCS Users
External User — enter a First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name in the fields provided.
External Users Information
Define the hierarchy for the user's email notifications by selecting a Hierarchy option from the drop-down and, if available, select the desired ROWs' check boxes in the Hierarchy pane. Any hierarchy defined for a recipient will be used to determine which ROWs are allowed to be included in any email reports to the user.
The following options are available:
By Recipient Security — allows you to define the hierarchy for the recipient's email reports. Select the check boxes next to the desired ROWs in the Hierarchy pane to assign pipeline segments to the recipient's report hierarchy.
If a user's hierarchy has been limited with Hierarchy Security in User Management, the hierarchy defined in Email Notification will not overwrite the user's hierarchy; instead, the hierarchy in Email Notification is used to further restrict the data that is sent to the user in email reports.
By Hierarchy Security — uses the hierarchy defined for the user in User Management to determine the ROWs to be included in an email report sent to the user. By Hierarchy Security will only be available in the drop-down if Hierarchy Selection is enabled in Options.
Add email addresses to the user as needed. Email notifications assigned to the user are sent to each email address listed for the user. Each user must have at least one email address. For each email address you need to add, click
Add Email and enter the email address in the field provided. Click
OK to save and close the window.
Add Email Address Window
Save to save the new recipient. The user can now be assigned to receive email notifications.