Facilities Excluded from Configuration Mapping

Imported facilities that appear under the Exclude from Configuration Mapping were designated as Do Not Map in the Bullhorn Bridge configuration. Facilities under the Unmapped tab can be designated to be excluded from configuration mapping by a user with Bullhorn Integration permissions. A counter in the Exclude from Configuration Mapping tab indicates the total number of facilities that have been imported for the selected account/group.

Follow these steps to review and manage facilities excluded from configuration mapping:

  1. Select the Excluded from Configuration Mappingtab at the top of the Mapping window.

    Excluded From Configuration Mapping tab

  2. Review the information for each facility.

  3. To move facilities to the Unmapped category, select their check boxes and click Move to Unmapped Rows in the Mapping window's blue tool bar.

  4. Click OK in the Save Changes prompt.

    Save Changes Prompt

    Facilities will appear under the Unmapped tab in the Mapping window.