'..\Program Files (x86)\CartoPac\FieldServer.Web\Areas\DataProcessing\Views\Default\ManageFeatureState.cshtml
In some CWM configurations, the CartoPac Workflow Manager may be configured to display data in "Bundles" (groups). Records in a bundle are defaulted to be transitioned with all other related records in the same bundle (for example: the default setting for bundled features is that they be transitioned "By Bundle").
CWM Include Bundled Features
If necessary, a configuration change may be made to the ManageFeatureState.cshtml file in order to default features in a bundle to be transitioned individually (the Include Bundled Features check box would be defaulted to unchecked).
The second parameter of the IncludeBundledFeatures setting may be modified to false to default the box to unchecked:
$("#IncludeBundledFeatures").prop("checked", false);
ManageFeatureState.cshtml Modification