
'..\Program Files (x86)\CartoPac\FieldServer.Web\Views\Shared\_CustomToolMarkup.cshtml'


In unique system configurations, CartoPac Server may include Custom Plugins, such as SSRS Report Menus or Advanced Tools, placed in the CartoPac Server navigation bar.

SSRS Reports Plugin

Use of Custom Permissions

In the _CustomToolMarkup.cshtml file, many settings may be configured to allow for additional custom functionality as well as the use of custom permissions within CartoPac Server to access the functionality.

A Custom Permission may be referenced in the _CustomToolMarkcup.cshtml as:

if (Html.HasPermission("CUSTOM_PERMISSION_NAME"))
//enter functionality here

A Permission entered in the ..bin\config\SDT.CartoPacFieldServer.config file as <string>Permission 1</string> is referenced in the _CustomToolMarkcup.cshtml file as CUSTOM_PERMISSION_1.

_CustomToolMarkup.cshtm Modifications