..\Program Files (x86)\CartoPac\bin\config\CartoPacFieldServer.config
CartoPac allows for the following three settings to be altered in the CartoPacFieldServer.config file:
Custom permissions
Client application URL
Auto refresh group membership
Custom Permissions
In some configurations, CartoPac Server may be integrated with a third party application. A Custom Permission in CartoPac Server has no functional effect on any of the systems users. Instead, a custom permission is created to be referenced by a third party applications. A third party application utilizing CartoPac data can be configured to determine whether or not a user of both applications has a custom permission in CartoPac required to use the third party application.
In the CartoPacFieldServer.config file, the CustomPermissionNames settings stores all Custom Permissions. To modify the value of the <CustomPermissionNames /> tag:
CartoPacFieldServer.config Modification
As a best practice, capitalize all permission names with no spaces. A permission that is called Permission 1 will display as CUSTOM_PERMISSION_1 in the Web Application.
Client Application URL
In some CWM configurations, the CartoPac Workflow Manager may use an Email Transition to send email notifications with web links to specific features for direct access from email. When using Email Transitions, the beginning portion of the Web Application's URL must be stored in the CartoPacFieldServer.config.
In the CartoPacFieldServer.config file the ClientAppUrl setting stores the prepending portion of the CartoPac Server Web Application URL. To modify the value of the <ClientAppUrl /> tag:
CartoPacFieldServer.config Modification for ClientAppURL
Auto Refresh Group Membership
When using a Windows Authentication Provider, the CartoPac Server will automatically refresh Windows Active Directory group memberships every 15 minutes. The time may be adjusted in the CartoPacFieldServer.config file.
In the CartoPacFieldServer.config file the <AutoRefreshGroupMembershipMinutes> setting stores the default refresh time of 15 minutes. To modify the time to a different refresh time:
CartoPacFieldServer.config Modification for Refresh Time