Added the Reverse Vertex Insert workflow into CartoPac iOS

Implemented the Reverse Vertex Insert workflow into the CartoPac iOS application. Now, when a line segment or polygon is selected, the user has the option on the right-hand toolbar to initiate the reverse vertex workflow. The Reverse Vertex Insert workflow will reverse the order in which the vertices of a line or polygon are inserted.

Reverse Vertex Button

The Reverse Vertex Insert workflow is critical to users who rely on measure enabled workflows. This will allow users to reverse the order of the vertices to allow additional flexibility when the directionality of the line segment is critical. Additionally, when users need to insert an additional vertex to a line or polygon, using the Reverse Vertex Insert workflow will change the directionality of the line, as a newly inserted vertex will always be inserted after the selected vertex.

The Reverse Vertex Insert button is now on the right-hand toolbar of the iOS application. The button will only be enabled when a line or polygon is selected and when executed will swap the directionality of the feature, you will see this in the user interface when the highlighted line segment between the current and next vertex is shifted.