ArcGIS Server Enterprise

CartoPac Server may integrate with an ArcGIS Server Product Level of ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprise or ArcGIS Server Advanced Enterprise.

All levels of ArcGIS Server (Standard|Advanced) are supported (Basic Not Supported). Workgroup products are not compatible with CartoPac.

For a list of compatible ArcGIS Software Versions, refer to Compatibility with Other Systems.

Locally Installed ArcGIS Server

A locally installed and licensed ArcGIS Server is required when using ArcObjects to establish SDE direct connections to an ArcGIS enterprise geodatabase with CartoPac.

Network Installed ArcGIS Server

An ArcGIS server may be installed on a network when using Feature Services to establish a connection to an ArcGIS enterprise geodatabase with CartoPac. Feature Services do not require ArcObjects or local Esri licensing and allow CartoPac Server to be installed on a different machine.

Spatial Transforms may only be accomplished at the time a Feature Service is created by transforming the entire service to the Geographic WGS 1984 coordinate system. Writing to Features stored outside of the WGS 84 Datum on a Geometric Network is not supported when using a Feature Service Connection.  This is due to limitations of an ArcGIS Feature Service preventing new data from being written back to the original geodatabase through the feature service when transformed.  Data in this configuration is Read Only from a feature service connection.

Esri Attachments, Esri Relationship Classes, and Geometric Networks are not supported in Feature Service Connections but require ArcObjects and a locally installed ArcGIS Server.