Silent Install Using MSI

The Advanced Installer Setup EXE supports extracting the MSI directly using the /extract:<path> flag.

Complete the following steps to install CartoPac 11.0 using the MSI:

  1. Place the Installation executable file in an accessible directory (for example: C:\Temp).

  2. Run a Command Prompt as an Administrator.

  3. Change the Directory to Reference the location of the CartoPac Installation executable. For example:

  4. cd C:\Temp

  5. Use /extract' | '/extract:"ExtractedFolder" to extract the MSI to the same directory location. For example:

  6. CartoPac. /extract

    CartoPac. /extract:"C:\Installers"

    An Extracted MSI is created in a Numbered Folder.

    File Location of Numbered Folder

    The CartoPac.msi requires the additionally extracted files in the same directory and must not be copied out of the folder.

    File Location of Extracted Files

  7. Copy the Extracted Directory containing the CartoPac.msi to the appropriate Client machine for a silent installation.

  8. Run the CartoPac.msi file with the msiexec command using the qn parameter for a silent installation of CartoPac Tablet/Touch. For example:

  9. msiexec /package CartoPac.msi /qn