Column Maps

Column maps are used to associate survey files with PCS Survey Manager columns.

When importing a .csv or Excel file, PCS Survey Manager allows the user to map the .csv or Excel file columns to fields in PCS Survey Manager. Once a column header has been mapped to a field, PCS Survey Manager stores that information so that the next time a file is uploaded that contains column headers that were previously mapped, PCS Survey Manager understands how to automap the field.

In the event a survey file field needs to be re-mapped, an Admin can make that change to associate the column to a different field name.

Complete the following steps to map survey file fields to a PCS Survey Manager column:

  1. Click on your user name and select Column Maps.

  2. User Name Menu

    The Column Mapping Admin window opens.

    Uploaded Logos Tab

  3. Click the Select Survey Type drop-down list and select a survey type.

    Select Survey Type Drop-down List

  4. Click the Select Field drop-down list and select a field.

  5. Select Field Drop-down List

  6. Edit the Current Mappings as needed.

  7. Current Mappings

    1. Search for a field name in the search field. The list can be filtered in either ascending or descending order.

    2. Click the icon next to a field name to delete it.

  8. Click Save to save changes.

  9. Click Close to close the Column Mapping Admin window.