Assign a Security Role

Before assigning security roles to users or user groups, view the current users or user groups with that secruity role by first clicking the name of the security role in the Security Roles pane. The user and user groups that have been assigned that security role will be displayed in the Groups & Users pane.

Complete the following steps to assign a security role to a user on the Site Security page:

  1. Select a security role in the Security Roles pane, such as Billing Admin, Client Admin, or Unit Admin.

    Security Roles

  2. To assign the security role to a user, select a user name from the Add User field. Click to complete the action. Repeat this step as needed.

    Add User Field with list of Groups and Users

  3. To assign the security role to a user group, select a user group name from the Add User Group field. Click to complete the action. Repeat this step as needed.