RM5 Series Settings: Reporting

The Reporting panel allows the user to configure the reporting mode, starting date and time, and report interval.

To view Reporting settings, click Reporting in the Unit Setup pane.

RM5 Series Reporting Pane

Reporting includes the following fields:

The full range of reporting intervals is only available with the unlimited billing plan. Other plans can report as often as every 7 days.

  • Reporting Mode — Sets when the reports are sent: either Repeat or Day of Month.

  • Start Date — The date that reporting will begin.

  • Start Time — The time of day that reporting will begin.

  • Reporting Interval —The number of hours, days, or weeks that the unit waits between reports. This field cannot be set to None.

  • Day of Month 1, Day of Month 2 — For Day of Month Reporting Mode, the day or days of the month that the unit reports. Must be in ascending order, and a later day cannot be set before an earlier day.