RM4000 Series Configuration Settings
Most settings for the RM4000 Series units can be set up similar to other unit types except for the data point, AUX data, and Readings settings.
For the most part, the settings are similar for each of the following groups of RM4000 Series units:
RM4010, RM4011, RM4012, RM4013, RM4014, RM4015, RM4016, and RM4020 — data point settings for battery, AC inputs, channel settings interruption and other unit information.
RM4150 and RM4151 — AUX data settings for battery, interruption, shutdown codes, and other unit information, Reporting settings for sending unit information; Interruption settings for setting up an interruption schedule, and Readings and Digital settings for configuring unit channels.
RM4210/RM4250 and RM4211/RM4251 — AUX data settings for battery, power on reset, over-current, and other unit information.
Data points can be enabled or disabled using the Enable and Disable buttons. You can also view disabled data points by checking the Show Disabled check box.
RM4014 and RM4020 Data Points Panes
RM4150 and RM4151 AUX Data Panes
RM4150 and RM4151 Reporting, Interruption, Analog, and Digital Panes
RM4210/RM4250 and RM4211/RM4251 and AUX Data Panes
The RM4000 Series use the following settings:
RM4010, RM4011, RM4014, and RM4015 Settings Overview — Settings that include AC outage delay, transmission, and interrupter.
RM4010 Through RM4020 Data Point Info and Settings Overview — Data Point information and settings.
RM4150 and RM4151 Unit Setup Overview — Settings for reporting, interruption, analog, digital, and AUX data points.
RM4210/RM4250 and RM4211/RM4251 Data Point Info and Settings Overview — Settings for reporting, coupon, transducer, instant off, readings, and AUX data points.