Resend a Command or Revert Settings

If commands or unit settings were sent to a unit that can receive commands or settings from Bullhorn Web, and the unit did not acknowledge what was sent, the command or settings may not have been received by the unit. Failure by the unit to receive a command or settings may be due to network issues, unit configuration problems, or the unit is turned off.

When an outgoing command or setting is not acknowledged by the unit, an email is sent to the user who sent the command or settings. The email will include a link to Bullhorn Web, where the user can choose to Resend or Revert the attempt:

  • Resend will submit the command or settings to be sent again to the unit.

  • Revert is only available for settings and will replace all the units settings with the last known successful outgoing settings attempt. From the Revert page, you can view which settings will be replaced.