Complete Inspection Text Fields

Inspection fields (in blue) can be completed by either entering a value or selecting a value or values from a picklist. Fields with picklists are set up in PCS.

For output current fields, you can also select resistance or rating. These fields are marked with a icon.

Refer to Capture and Manage Inspection Images for more information on adding images to fields that may include images. These fields will be marked with a icon.

Complete the following steps to complete text field entries:

  1. Tap a site from the Site List to open the site.

    Site Readings Window

    Site Readings Window

  2. Scroll or move to a text field using the directional arrows on the keyboard.

  3. Select a reading field and then tap Enter on the keypad.

  4. To clear the entry, tap and then Clearin the Manual Reading window.

    Reading Field

    Manual Reading Window

  5. For current output fields, tap the icon.

    Output Current Fields

    Output Current Fields

    1. In the pop-up settings window, tap either the Resistance or Rating check box to select it.

      Resistance and Rating Settings Window

      Resistance and Rating Settings Window

    2. Enter a value for the setting you selected. For Rating, be sure to enter a value for both mV and Amps.

    3. Tap Save to return to the Inspection window.