
The DVM2130 is a stand-alone DVM that is used with the Mesa 3. The DVM includes ports for remote trigger, Input, Com, and Output. The connections are the same as for the DVM1110.


Mesa 3 DVM

The DVM2130 supports the following connections:

  • Remote trigger for data cane or wire counter (3-pin connector)

  • DVM test leads

The DVM2130 front face includes a power button, USB-C connection and two status lights.

DVM2130 Front Components

DVM2130 Front Components

  • Status — flashing, solid, or pulsing green light:

    • flashing: indicates trying to pair; if pairing is achieved, turns solid. Also indicates that the Power button has been pressed to turn off DVM.

    • solid: when DVM is powered on.

    • low duty cycle pulse: indicates DVM is active but in low-power mode to conserve power.

  • Charge — blinking = charging; solid = charged.

  • USB connection — for USB-C cables. Use to charge DVM or connect to Mesa 3 for updating the firmware.

  • Power — press button to power on or off.