Remove a DVM File from Device

You can remove one or more DVM log files and the associated image file(s) from your device.

Files can be removed by using the File Maintenance option under Settings.

File Maintenance is only available from the Home window. If File Maintenance is grayed out, tap the Home icon Home icon to access it from Home.

Complete the following steps to remove a completed survey or a survey that has not yet been started from your device:

  1. Tap the Home icon Home icon.

  2. Tap the icon to open the Settings window.

    Settings Main Menu

    Settings Window

  3. Tap File Maintenance.

    File Maintenance Window

    File Maintenance Window

  4. Tap DVM.

    DVM File Maintenance Window

    DVM File Maintenance Window

  5. Select one or more files.

    DVM File Maintenance - Selected Files

    DVM File Maintenance - Selected Files

  6. Tap Delete. A warning message displays.

    Deleting Files Warning Message

    Deleting Files Warning Message

  7. Tap Yes to complete the action, or No to cancel. The deleted files are removed from the device.