Testing the Triton Coupon Test Station
After a 30-day seasoning period, the Triton coupon test station is ready for testing. Before testing, ensure that the Structure 1 terminal lead is connected to the upper switch terminal:
Switch Connection
The Triton coupon test station includes both DC and AC measurement terminals. The following measurements can be read from the test station head.
Both DC and AC measurements can be recorded in the DC and AC Measurement Log.
DC |
AC |
"on" potential |
AC potential |
"instant off" (polarized) potential |
AC current |
native state (depolarized) potential |
DC current |
All potential testing should be completed using a properly calibrated "True RMS" multimeter with a 10MΩ or greater input impedance. For information on cathodic protection criteria, please refer to the latest version of NACE standard SP0169-2013.