Understanding User Management

User Management (Tools > User Management) controls system security using a role based method. Each PCS user is defined in User Management and assigned a PCS installed user role. A user role is a collection of security permissions that tells PCS which system features a user has access to and if the user is allowed to add and edit data.

The following list identifies the three types of PCS installed user roles. Each type gives users a different level of security permissions. Users are assigned only one user role. The SysAdmin user role has full control of all PCS features and functions. For a list of user role permissions assigned to the User and Read Only user roles, refer to System Security.

  • SysAdmin

  • User

  • Read Only

When PCS first installs, it creates the first system account using Computer Name user authentication. This account is automatically assigned the SysAdmin user role, which has the highest set of privileges. Refer to Use Computer Name User Authentication for more information.